christopher 8654 akins

inc in the american society

how to create illusions

what this slide discussess

what is an illusion

why are illusions necessary

who creates illusion

what is an illusion of you work for me

how are illusions created that you work for me

what is an illusion called I own your property

how are illusions created called I own your property

how do i force myself via illusions around other peoples work on the internet

what is a time stamp

why do people use time stamps

how can by putting my birth year in time, hours, minutes, days, month and day, combinations can i give off an illusions that I own your property

what are codes

why do people use codes

is better to be in alignment with codes or against codes

what is paranoia and how is paranoia developed by going against codes

what is avoidance of numbers, names, sequences and how is that developed via the codes

what are thee three levels of avoidance and why is level 3 considered psychotic

who developes these avoidance levels and how long can they be maintained

can avoidance levels be auto generated and at this level is this psychotic

why is it necessary to use codes

how did codes come about

can the codes be considered psychotic

given the psychotic level of the codes why should thet still be used

what is a path in the code

why do people develop paths in the codes

is it a good idea to have your own path in the code

what happens if you dont have your own path in the codes

what is compare and contrast

where does compare and contrast come from

explain the biblical passage " and why did cain murder is brother because his own work was evil and those of his brother were righteous"  and how this works with compare and contrast

what are biblical passages

what is the conventional way we are trained in biblical passages

why is information missing in biblical passages

who has this missing information

what information is missing in the above referenced passage

why is the informtion missing in this passage

if this passage is an instruction to carry out a program, who is this instruction being sent to

how and at what levels are these instructions carried out.

what is the ultmate end of the victim in this passage way

is it because of death or a plan to kill someone by comparing good deeds with bad deeds, without the victim aware of the fact that  "someone" or a "group of people" "consistantly cause" bad or negative things with one person/victim while causing good with other groups

who invokes this biblical passage when they are trying to kill another person

so then is this passage way a way to invoke death or a reason to kill someone because of bad or negative things

is it "pyschotic" to think that when bad things happen these things should cause death

if someone is know for invoking this passage to harm people or other passages in the book to harm or kill people with should people be alerted to groups and individuals who use these passages to harm or kill people

in these passages bad or negative things have to happen so as to highlight other peoples good things..who are the people that are given the instructions to cause these bad or negative things

what kind of training do these people undergo that gives them the skill to cause or bring about negative or bad things in a persons life

who gives these people orders or instructions to cause bad things in peoples lives

what kinds of things ie drug addiction, unemployment, mental illness can they cause and how long can these things be maintained in a victims life

if some trained in these things attacks people who are not trained in these things who is at fault and should be sent to court, the victim or the one sending people to do these things along with those actually carrying out instruction sets to cause these activities

as of yet is their any relief to victims who are subjected to this form of witchcraft

what can victims do when they are being attacked by this program and its opeatives

how do the codes work with this form of attack

is it a good idea to have your own paths through the code so as to nullify the use of the code as a weapon against you in this compare and contrast games

who uses codes with these compare and contrast attacks

why do they use codes and compare and contrast attacks

who are they trying to kill with these attacks

what other things can I illusion into existance

how using welfare and medicaid give off the illusion that i get money from

wel                    f are

 wale                 harry   

medic             aid 


who wants people under the illusion of getting money via social services from megin or harry in england         

why is   references to these people in codes for "welfare"and "medicaid"

is somone of the opinion that people on welfare and medicaid should be compared or should die or lose their lives via them on these programs and to make this point, are people being pulled out of work and forced to forego income so as to have a compare and contrast as these two  that is to say is someone intentionally stealing peoples incomes  so as to fatten up the relief rolls in these two social programs that have these two names on them a  compare and contrasted to these two  to people on these programs can come into existance and does this explain why some people are attacked, in this case held with no income while those they are compared with do not seem to be experiencing these same income attacks

what is public supported housing and how can this be used in a compare and contrast game

is it possible to pull people out of their homes, or make  copies of homes that they lived in and place them next to public housing units for poor people to live in

is it possible to force working people into poverty so as to put them in public housing for poor and mentally ill people

why and who would force regular working people out of their homes and employment to install them in medicaid "medic"aid (megin) or welfare wel "are" (hare) government programs or in public housing with codes about "geel"  los an "gele"    geel   gail jail   


  6 3 3 7

THIS IS A CODE I AM 36  37  33 34  (in the codes a 7 with a line through it is a 4)


would someone or a group of people do or cause this in a person

who would do or cause this

why would they do or cause this

how does this work with compare and contrast

who would use this as a compare and contrast

why would someone be attacking innocent working people by placing them in slums or in mentally retarded housing for compare and contrast games

who is sent and on whose orders are people being dragged out of their houses and homes, placed on government programs for income with british royal family members names on them, forced to live in homes with illusions to jail geel in word and a word inc, and are bandied about as being mentally ill, all issues caused by their mystical orders

since, they caused this,  should people be killed or harmed, because their mystics armed with inc training are forcfully attacking people, dragging them out of house and home and denying them income and let me point out that in denying them income from proper sources, they try and subject them to finding incomes from seedier forms on income generation, ie drug dealing, prostitution, or  embarrassing, dehumanising and ridicule forms of income generation ie recycling soda cans, street vendor, bag ladyism, junk lady with induced and wholly created by their mystics mental illness states

for people ordering people to do this "to people who are not trained in inc", should these people be subjected to compare and contrast and "killed" (because of a lack of training in inc), or should these people be considered "victims" of another group of peoples "wicked intrusions" into their private lives, causing all forms of destablization and bad or negative acts including but not limited to human rights violations, civil rights violations, constitutional rights violations, crimminal law violations, job and income discrimination, and of course sexual harrassment laws violation.

also should these people be provided some sort of act or law to go after those caused this on behalf of those compare and contrast groups,

and in the event that those in that "compare and contrast group" with all things "positive" occurring are "themselves responsible" for deploying mystics who cause all of this "negative stuff" over the years with other people, only because they want to play an intrusive, monstrous, and horrific game called "compare foods" ( a name of a grocery store in the area of a public housing facility for this compare and contrast game, which highlights that someone choose this area to orchestrate this kind of activity) so that they can show us them with nothing happening or doing what is normal, as a compare and contrast to those  with all things going wrong "due to "their" mystics" or "instructions to their mystics" to cause and then maintain and operate this horrow show insuring that the names of the "do what is right group" is around and surrounding the "do what is wrong group" to highlight his compare and contrast.

now is the "victim" of this game and all the "bad" things that they have gone through "now and in the past the problem", or is "the one" operating the compare and contrast the problem, and if their is a call for blood, who should probably be broght up on charges for crimminal prosecution  for this activity

the victim or the victimizer